We specialise in supporting local businesses with comprehensive recruitment services, business support, and customised training solutions, committed to finding the ideal fit for your requirements.

Through close collaboration with State Government, and training providers, we strategically prepare local talent and upskill employees for the evolving job market, ensuring a skilled workforce that meets your specific needs.

Even better, our services are completely free for businesses located within the council municipalities of Clarence, Sorell, Tasman, and Glamorgan Spring Bay.


Business support
We provide connection and support to businesses and employers in the Southeast region, and refer businesses to the Tasmanian government's suite of business advisory programs and services.
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Recruitment advice & support
We support local businesses with recruitment services and training needs, always aiming to find that “right fit”.
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Linking Employers to Jobseekers
We are the link between Employers and Jobseekers - we match the right job to the right jobseeker.
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Coordinating training
We provide local training opportunities & resources to community members to be be upskilled. This includes jobseekers, existing employees & members of our four local council region: Clarence, Sorell, Tasman and Glamorgan Spring Bay!
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Workforce planning & development
We work with employers & industries to support business growth within our region.
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